Popular Nigerian actor Lateef Adedimeji recently made news after a video of him joking around with a dwarf woman went viral on social media. The woman approached Adedimeji in the video and asked to take a photo with him. Since then, a lot of attention has been focused on Adedimeji’s reaction to the request, and many people have praised him for his generosity and modesty.

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“It is well, how do I take this picture now, olohun?” Adedimeji said as the lady approached him. His words, which loosely translate to “it’s okay, how should we take the picture?” in English, showed his willingness to accommodate the lady’s request and make her feel comfortable.

Adedimeji has received acclaim from followers and admirers on social media for his considerate and courteous behavior towards the woman. He has received praise from many for being modest and treating the woman with the same respect and decency that he would show to anyone else.

The treatment of those with disabilities in Nigeria and the significance of extending respect and compassion to them have also come up in discussions spurred by the film. Adedimeji’s behavior has been praised as a model for how individuals should deal with those who may be different from them.

Adedimeji showed kindness, humility, and respect for all individuals in his reaction to the dwarf lady’s request for a photo. It serves as a reminder to all of us to treat others with love and compassion, regardless of their origins, appearance, or ability, as he said, “It is well, how do I take this picture now, olohun?”

Watch the Video below: